Friday, 1 March 2013

Class X - Challenges to Democracy

Class X - Challenges to Democracy (Civics)
Q.1. Each of these cartoons represents a challenge to democracy. Describe what that challenge is.
Ans.  These cartoons illustrate the following challenges to democracy :
1. The first cartoon shows that Mubarak has not been elected by democratic laws and rules. The ballot boxes have not been opened! This is a  foundational challenge  where institutions of democracy have not been established.
2. In the second cartoon again, there is the rule of the gun! No democracy. The challenge is to establish democracy and it is a  foundational challenge.
3. The third cartoon shows the  challenge of expansion. The leader talks about gender equality, about more women to be included in power position, but in reality, women are not included in position of power.
4. In the fourth cartoon, it is a deepening of democracy, money power is used by the rich to achieve position of power to reach the White House.
Q.2. Describe the challenges to democracy in the cases and context given here.
Case and context                    Your description of the challenges to democracy in that situation        
Chile : General Pinochet’s                          Example : Establishing civilian control over all governmental
government defeated, but                          institutions, holding the first multi-party elections, recalling all
military still in control of                             political leaders from exile.
many institutions.
Poland : After the first                               The challenge is to re-establish democracy and take away the
success of Solidarity, the                           martial law. Ban should be lifted and free and fair elections be
government imposed                                 allowed.
martial law and banned
Ghana : Attained                                    To preserve democracy. Not allow Nkruma to  
independence, Nkruma                            become dictator and hold elections regularly.
elected president.
Myanmar : Suu Kyi under                     Military rule to be challenged. Suu Kyi should be freed and act as
house arrest for more than                       a leader elected by common consent. Governments military rules
15 years, army rulers                               should not be accepted by the world.
getting global acceptance
International organisations :               The US should not be allowed to bully other nations. All nations
US as the only super power                     have equal powers in the UN. UN should assert its authority.
disregards the UN and                             (as in Iraq and now in Iran)
takes unilateral action
Mexico : Second free                              The challenge is to have free and fair elections. No candidate
election after the defeat                            should win due to rigging. Democracy has not taken roots.
of PRI in 2000; defeated
candidate alleges rigging.
China : Communist Party                      One-party rule, no democracy, people have no voice in the decision
adopts economic reforms                        making, foundational challenge to democracy.
but maintains monopoly
over political power.
Pakistan : General                                It means that institutions of democracy are not strong. It is a military
Musharraf holds                                     rule. Democracy has not expanded or deepened.
referendum, allegations                           of fraud in voters’ list.
Iraq : Widespread                               A weak centre, incapable of controlling the country. Thus a challenge
sectarian violence as                             of expansion.
the new government
fails to establish its
South Africa : Mandela                      Democracy has not deepened. The majority group cannot suppress
retires  from  active  politics,                 the rights of the minority. It has also not expanded to take in all social
pressure on his successor                     groups, can lead to conflict.
Mbeki to withdraw
some concessions given
to White minority.
US, Guantanamo Bay :                    US misusing its power. A rich country disregarding the world
UN Secretary-General                        opinion. The UN has to face the challenge of making US listen to
calls this a violation of                          world opinion.
international law, US
refused to respond
Saudi Arabia :                                   No democracy. It faces all challenges—foundational, of expansion,
Women not  allowed                           and deepening of democracy. All social groups not given equal rights.
to take part in public                           Religious freedom disallowed.
activities, no freedom
of religion for minorities
Yugoslavia :  Ethnic                          Democracy has failed to keep the country together. The differences of
tension between Serbs                       region, religion and social groups has led to the break-up of the
and Albanians on the rise                   country.
in the province of Kosovo.
Yugoslavia disintegrated
Belgium : One round of                   In this case, the majority is trying to dominate at the expense of the
constitutional change taken                minority. The challenge is to keep social groups together.
place, but the Dutch
speakers not satisfied; they
want more autonomy.
Sri Lanka : The peace                   Once again foundational challenge. The majority is imposing its will
talks between the                            on the minority, hence, civil war.
government and the
LTTE break down
renewed violence.
US, Civil Rights : Blacks              Democracy won, but it has not deepened in America. The Blacks are
have won equal rights, but               still denied equal education and are a challenge to democracy.
are still poor, less educated
and marginalised.
Northern Ireland : The                 Peace but not fully accepted. Religious divisions have created
civil war has ended but                    mistrust, challenge is of deepening democracy.
Catholics and Protestants
yet to develop trust
Nepal : Constituent                       This is the transition period, Nepal is giving up monarchy and
Assembly                                       about to be struggling to become a democracy. Foundational challenge.
elected, unrest in Terai
areas, Maoists have not
surrendered arms
Bolivia : Morales, a                      Again social groups have not come together. Democracy has not
supporter of water                         expanded.      
struggle, becomes Prime Minister,
MNCs threaten to
leave the country.

Q.3. Group the countries given in Q.2 by the nature of these challenges as per the classification suggested in the first section. For each of these categories, find at least one example from India as well.
Foundational challenges                   Challenge of expansion                   Challenge of deepening
Foundational Challenge - Saudi Arabia, Nepal, China, Myanmar, India - Checking terrorism challenges
Challenge of Expansion - Iraq, Bolivia, Belgium, US : Civil Rights, India : Women still have a low status; there is lack of literacy
Challenge of deepening  - South Africa, USA : Challenges before India are of corruption, casteism and criminalisation in politics, poverty.
Q.4. Think of all the challenges that democracy faces in contemporary India. List those five that should be addressed first of all. The listing should be in order of priority, i.e., the challenge you find most important or pressing should be mentioned at number 1, and so on. Give one example of that challenge and your reasons for assigning it the priority.
Priority             Challenges to democracy     Example                            Reasons for preference
1.                       Over-population                  Whatever economic            Smaller countries like UAE,
                                                                      growth, or whatever           Singapore, Malayasia have
                                                                       progress we make is           made tremendous progress
                                                                      negated by ever growing     because of small population.
2.                        Poverty and                        A result of our bursting        Poverty leads to clashes and
                           Unemployment                  population. Percentage of   violence, India can never be
                                                                     people living below the        counted as a super power till
                                                                     poverty line is still 26.10%   we control poverty and                                                                                                                    unemployment.
3.                       Illiteracy and                     Ten Five-Year Plans have     Leads to ignorance and
                          Ignorance                          failed to have total literacy    superstitions. Ignorance
                                                                    in India, Kerala is the only   leads people astray. People
                                                                    state to have achieved it.      cannot select a good govt.               
4.                      Casteism                             Has corrupted politics.         People have lost faith in
                                                                   Candidates chosen from      political parties, able people are
                                                                    their castes                          not elected.Voters do not come
                                                                                                                to vote, bad for democracy.
5.                       Communalism                    Led to the partition of      Threatens the unity of the
                                                                    India. Riots take place        country, leads to conflicts, riots
                                                                    every year in some             and divisive tendencies.
                                                                    parts of India.

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