More Figures of Speech
- What's the difference between a metaphor and a simile?
Both metaphors and similes express comparisons between two things that
aren't obviously alike. In a simile, the comparison is stated explicitly
with the help of a word such as like or as: "My love is
like a red, red rose / That's newly sprung in June." In a metaphor,
the two things are linked or equated without using like or as:
"Love is a rose but you better not pick it.
- What's the difference between metaphor
and metonymy?
Put simply, metaphors make comparisons while metonyms make associations or substitutions.
The place name "Hollywood," for example, has become a metonym
for the American film industry (and all the glitz and greed that go with
- What's the difference between metaphor
and personification?
Personification is a particular type of metaphor that assigns the
characteristics of a person to something non-human, as in this observation
from Douglas Adams: "He turned on the wipers again, but they still
refused to feel that the exercise was worthwhile, and scraped and squeaked
in protest."
- What's the difference between personification
and apostrophe?
A rhetorical apostrophe not only animates something absent or non-living
(as in personification) but also addresses it directly. For instance, in
Johnny Mercer's song "Moon River," the river is apostrophized:
"Wherever you're going, I'm going your way."
- What's the difference between hyperbole and understatement?
Both are attention-getting devices: hyperbole exaggerates the truth for
emphasis while understatement says less and means more. To say that Uncle
Wheezer is "older than dirt" is an example of hyperbole. To say
that he's "a bit long in the tooth" is probably an
- What's the difference between understatement
and litotes?
Litotes is a type of understatement in which an affirmative is expressed
by negating its opposite. We might say litotically that Uncle Wheezer is
"no spring chicken" and "not as young as he used to
- What's the difference between alliteration and assonance?
Both create sound effects: alliteration through the repetition of an
initial consonant sound (as in "a peck of pickled peppers"),
and assonance through the repetition of similar vowel sounds in
neighboring words ("It beats . . . as it sweeps . . .
as it cleans!").
- What's the difference between onomatopoeia and homoioteleuton?
Don't be put off by the fancy terms. They refer to some very familiar
sound effects. Onomatopoeia (pronounced ON-a-MAT-a-PEE-a) refers to words
(such as bow-wow and hiss) that imitate the sounds
associated with the objects or actions they refer to. Homoioteleuton
(pronounced ho-moi-o-te-LOO-ton) refers to similar sounds at the endings
of words, phrases, or sentences ("The quicker picker upper").
- What's the difference between anaphora and epistrophe?
Both involve the repetition of words or phrases. With anaphora, the
repetition is at the beginning of successive clauses (as in the
famous refrain in the final part of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech). With
epistrophe (also known as epiphora), the repetition is at the end
of successive clauses ("When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I
understood as a child, I thought as a child")
- What's the difference between antithesis and chiasmus?
Both are rhetorical balancing acts. In an antithesis, contrasting ideas
are juxtaposed in balanced phrases or clauses ("Love is an ideal
thing, marriage a real thing"). A chiasmus (also known as antimetabole) is a type of antithesis in
which the second half of an expression is balanced against the first with
the parts reversed ("The first shall be last, and the last shall be
- What's the difference between asyndeton and polysyndeton?
These terms refer to contrasting ways of linking items in a series. An
asyndetic style omits all conjunctions and separates the items with commas
("They dove, splashed, floated, splashed, swam, snorted"). A
polysyndetic style places a conjunction after every item in the list
("We lived and laughed and loved and left").
- What's the difference between a paradox and an oxymoron?
Both involve apparent contradictions. A paradoxical statement
appears to contradict itself ("If you wish to preserve your secret,
wrap it up in frankness"). An oxymoron is a compressed paradox in
which incongruous or contradictory terms appear side by side ("a real
- What's the difference between a euphemism and a dysphemism?
A euphemism involves the substitution of an inoffensive expression (such
as "passed away") for one that might be considered offensively
explicit ("died"). In contrast, a dysphemism substitutes a
harsher phrase ("took a dirt nap") for a comparatively
inoffensive one. Though often meant to shock or offend, dysphemisms may
also serve as in-group markers to show camaraderie.
- What's the difference between diacope and epizeuxis?
Both involve the repetition of a word or phrase for emphasis. With
diacope, the repetition is usually broken up by one or more intervening
words: "You're not fully clean until you're Zestfully clean."
In the case of epizeuxis, there are no interruptions: "I'm shocked,
shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!"
- What's the difference between verbal irony and sarcasm?
In both, words are used to convey the opposite of their literal meanings.
Linguist John Haiman has drawn this key distinction between the two
devices: "[P]eople may be unintentionally ironic, but sarcasm
requires intention. What is essential to sarcasm is that it is overt irony
intentionally used by the speaker as a form of verbal aggression"
(Talk Is Cheap, 1998).
- What's the difference between a tricolon and a tetracolon climax?
Both refer to a series of words, phrases, or clauses in parallel form. A
tricolon is a series of three members: "Eye it, try it, buy it!"
A tetracolon climax is a series of four: "He and we were a party of
men walking together, seeing, hearing, feeling, understanding the
same world."
- What's the difference between a rhetorical question and epiplexis?
A rhetorical question is asked merely for effect with no answer
expected: "Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who would want to
live in an institution?" Epiplexis is a type of rhetorical
question whose purpose is to rebuke or reproach: "Have you no
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